Abolish animal euthenasia in Indiana shelters

Indiana legislature, Abolish the indiscriminate gassing and lethal injections of otherwise healthy dogs, cats and other pets in animal shelters in Indiana and instead fund large animal sanctuaries in each county in Indiana that would be run by a government agency and would create jobs and advocate for the foster and adoption of animals in its care. All animals have a right to a long and healthy life and should never be euthenized simply because there is no room at shelters. The euthenasia of terminally ill animals only would be permitted by veterinarians in rare circumstances and when owner has been given complete informed consent and all options laid out in easily understood language. Funding for such a large operation would require minimal taxing and could be achieved by private donations and governmental supplements. We know this is a monumental task but we believe in the power of animal lovers in our state.

Update #25 jaar geleden
Sign share on Facebook and Twitter. We only need a few more signatures!
Update #15 jaar geleden
Dear animal lovers, This Petition to ban euthenasia is at 916 signatures. When it gets to a 1,000 or higher I'm sending it off to Indiana lawmakers. The ultimate dream and goal of the petition may or may not happen but always ask for more than you can get and we are sure to at least get some improvements and tighter restrictions on euthenasia and at least the seed will be planted. Please sign and share and tweet to get us over the top. Thank you everyone for loving animals!
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