Demand an end to Gang Stalking

Just walking around Greeley/Evans you notice the same cars driving by you,following you. At first you think you are just tripping. But as the time passes you realize you're not. So just to make sure you start taking pictures of the cars with your cell phone. When you get home you go through the pictures. Sure enough you were right. Same cars/trucks passing by and no matter where you go they are always there. I have pictures and video of this happening to me. Why? I have no idea. My concerns are that someone is going to hurt me or get hurt. I have talked to several individuals who this is happening to them too. This is intimidation and bullying. It needs to be stopped and if the people doing this doesn't stop they need to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest. This Gang Stalking is going to get someone hurt or even worse killed.
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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