Help put an end to dog breed discrimination in Louisiana cities and residential living areas.

My goal is to end the discrimination of dog breeds. For example: Rottweilers and Pitbulls. These are just two of the many breeds who are unjustly "banned" from just about all residental living ares here in Louisianna. They call it "Breed Restriction", and have no reason to discriminate these animals. I don't understand how regitered sex offenders can come back into a community and live wherever they choose, but certain dog breeds are banned??? Up until a few days ago I was petsitting 2 Rottweilers. Very loving and well behaved. Then I recieved a notice telling me I have to get them off the premises as soon as possible because they were a "restricted breed"! These are dogs that go to hospitals to visit patients. Its a form of therapy for the people. Please help put an end to banning certain dog breeds.

My goal is to end the discrimination of dog breeds. For example: Rottweilers and Pitbulls. These are just two of the many breeds who are unjustly "banned" from just about all residental living ares here in Louisianna. They call it "Breed Restriction", and have no reason to discriminate these animals. I don't understand how regitered sex offenders can come back into a community and live wherever they choose, but certain dog breeds are banned??? Up until a few days ago I was petsitting 2 Rottweilers. Very loving and well behaved. Then I recieved a notice telling me I have to get them off the premises as soon as possible because they were a "restricted breed"! These are dogs that go to hospitals to visit patients. Its a form of therapy for the people. Please help put an end to banning certain dog breeds.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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