Tell Mike Johnson to admit that Trump lost

When a reporter asked new speaker Mike Johnson whether he would admit that Trump lost, Johnson didn't even have the courage to give a straight answer.

Tell Johnson to stop dodging  the question, and admit that Trump lost.

It's not surprising that Johnson, one of the leaders of the Trump effort to overturn the election, doesn't want to talk about what he did, now that he's got the national spotlight on him.

But Johnson is now the leader of the House, and he needs to answer the question that cuts to the heart of our democracy. He needs to either admit that Trump lost, or he needs to admit that he still is pushing a dangerous fairy tale, and let the people weigh that when they vote next year. And if he keeps dodging the question, then every reporter should ask him again and again, until he finally answers.

Add your name, and tell Mike Johnson to stop dodging the question, and admit that Trump lost.

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