Tell the Trump Administration to Abolish ICE

  • van: LaRue
  • ontvanger: Trump Administration

Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] has become nothing short of power-hungry administration-backed police force, targeting people of color and their families. They have little oversight and unchecked authority.

Sign the petition if you think ICE should be abolished.

And now we are learning even more how their practices are ripe with abuse, separating children and their parents, forcing pregnant teens to give birth against their will, detaining undocumented refugees in formerly safe spaces like public schools and even murdering those they are trying to apprehend.

It is time to say enough is enough. America does not condone violence against immigrants, and the ICE agency is currently offering only violence, not assistance.

Sign the petition below to demand that the Trump administration abolish ICE and stop abusing refugees and other undocumented individuals.

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