Boycott "Great American Campout"

  • van: Tara B.
  • ontvanger: Everyone/Just raising awareness.

Please DO NOT sign up to participate in this year's "Great American Campout" by NWF.

As part of the general boycott of National Wildlife Federation over their support for wolf hunting and trapping, I am asking everyone to boycott the "Great American Campout."

If you want to camp, fine, just do so on your own without showing support for NWF or earning them any money in donations.

For those of you who missed my older petition against NWF, it gives a lot more information, and also includes links for proof. That petition can be found here:

Please spread the word. And all citizens of the earth are welcome to sign - even though it's the "American" campout - because many of you have friends (online or otherwise) in America who you can get the word out to. ANY help in spreading the word (whether by sharing this actual petition or just telling people about the boycott) is greatly appreciated.

Thank You.

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