stop killing stray dogs in kerala

The supreme court of India has banned the killing of stray dogs in India since 1960, they have ruled that stray dogs should be sterilised and vaccinated, but the state of kerala
continues to illegally kill stray dogs by using the most brutal method, using iron ropes to hang the dogs.Pregnant dogs and even new born puppies are not spared. Some lawmakers in Kerala are calling for dogs to be culled,and their meat to be exported and sold to Asian countries where dog meat is considered a delicacy! Please sign my petition and send a clear message to the chief Minister of Kerala, that people around the world know what is going on in Kerala (which has the worst record for animal cruelty)and that they want this barbaric, brutal killing of these poor animals to stop for good. Thank you.

Update #19 jaar geleden
On August 22nd 2015 more than a thousand dogs were killed including puppies, this time using cynide.
When will this madness stop, if people around the world boycotted kerala then the authorities would sit up and take notice, because tourism is big business in kerala
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