Tell NBC having Trump on Meet the Press was a TERRIBLE idea

NBC had Donald Trump on Meet the Press over the weekend, and it went about as horrifically as you'd expect. Trump lied nonstop, and largely went unchallenged by the show's host. It might as well have been a long campaign ad.

Why do they keep giving this serial liar and indicted criminal air time?

Meet the Press isn't just any news show, it is literally the longest running show on television. It has been the setting of some of the most historic moments in politics. And NBC should not give this monster the credibility that an appearance on that show implies.

If Trump makes legitimate news, then fine, cover it. But don't give him the biggest megaphone on television to spout his lies.

Add your name, Tell NBC that having Trump on Meet the Press was a terrible idea, and tell them not to do it again.

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