Tell Craigslist & Recycler Classifieds to Stop Advertising Free Animals

Animals advertised as “free” or “free to good home” often don’t end up in the good homes their sellers envision.  There are unscrupulous individuals known as Class B dealers who answer these “free” animal ads and employ deceitful means to acquire them in order to sell them for laboratory research. Dog-fighting rings also prey upon animals being given away free to use them as fighters or bait.  Free animals are used in the sadistic acts of psychopaths. They can and do become the victims of puppy mill operators.  Sometimes they end up as meat for exotic animals or are killed so that their fur can be used in the making of clothing accessories. 


Please help protect the lives of innocent animals by prohibiting ads giving them away for free and by educating Recycler participants about the many dangers of such ads. An animal may have no value as merchandise to its seller, but it has intrinsic value as a living being and is therefore deserving of protection against cruelty, abuse, and exploitation. Please use your leadership position to educate and inform.

Dear Misters Newmark and Yim:



Animals advertised as “free” or “free to good home” often don’t end up in the good homes their sellers envision.  There are unscrupulous individuals known as Class B dealers who answer these “free” animal ads and employ deceitful means to acquire them in order to sell them for laboratory research. Dog-fighting rings also prey upon animals being given away free to use them as fighters or bait.  Free animals are used in the sadistic acts of psychopaths. They can and do become the victims of puppy mill operators.  Sometimes they end up as meat for exotic animals or are killed so that their fur can be used in the making of clothing accessories. 


Please help protect the lives of innocent animals by prohibiting ads giving them away for free and educating Recycler participants about the many dangers of such ads. An animal may have no value as merchandise to its seller, but it has intrinsic value as a living being and is therefore deserving of protection against cruelty, abuse, and exploitation. 


Thank you for your valuable time and serious consideration in this troubling matter.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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