Cut meat and dairy production by 92 %percent . Increase animal welfare

200 million animals are slaughtered daily,2.41 billion cows are killed for their meat.2.749 million pigs are killed daily,Sheep slaughter totaled 187,500 .10 million and 4 million cats are killed daily in some foreign countries. Chicken is a popular meat ,we kill 170.2 million per year, knowing only the smell of death instead of freedom.

If you were a animal,why would you want to see your baby ripped out of you and then shot in the head in front of your own eyes, your mother milked until she's dry,your brother and sister suffering from exhaustion and depression. Laying in your own feces on concrete, living with infection and broken bones. Beaten with polls,whips. Forced to work with out a break.
Forced to preform tasks in order to make your owners profit, chained to a metal poll by your ankles,tied to trees, stuffed in cages,starved until you learn a lesson about following orders.

Animals are slaves against their own will for our entertainment and pleasure regardless of what it's doing to the animal emotionally and physically.

Animals in zoos oversleep, overeat, and show signs of severe frustration and mental instability. The term "zoochosis" refers to the psychological problems that affect animals in captivity; usually resulting in repetitive behaviors.

Animals in the meat and in dairy industry in America and the UK are born into detrimental crammed close quarters side by side for production efficiency, the animals psychology soon begans to alter from causes of high amounts of stress and anxiety, depression and exhaustion.Factory farming is one of many leading causes from admitting vast amount of greenhouse gasses , carbon dioxide and methane as for power plants, fossil fuels and buildings.

Animals in circuses are tormented from being removed from their natural enviorment and social structure .They are put into a unnatural enviorment which forces the animal to go against their natural instinct and behavior,which begans making the animal bored ,institutionalized and depressed.

This can lead to more cruelty in training and in travel. Performing animals basic rights are violated due to their need met at a minimum for lack food, clean living space and respect. 

These animals deserve our mercy our, protection, compassion and our support and respect.

Please help change animal welfare and consumption as well help with changing the enviorment. 

Update #14 jaar geleden
Look at these numbers if the paragraph does not convince you.
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