Demand authorities to investigate and prosecute a neighborhood dog fighting ring!

There is eyewitness and word of mouth proof of an underground dog fighting happening in the neighborhood. Without proof of video or pictures nothing will be investigated? The proof comes from two different sources even with one saying dead dogs have been seen dragged out of the house. This is an abomination against GOD and his creation. Imagine these dogs having to fight for their life because a few people want to bet and make money. They didn't choose to be put in this situation. They are being made to try and survive this situation. I feel there is enough proof to have an investigation heavily brought down on these uncaring, selfish, non contributing individuals in our society.

Update #14 jaar geleden
I just wanted to tell everyone who has signed so far....THANK YOU! I'm so appreciative of anyone who took the time to read and actually think about what is going on. It's so easy nowadays to turn a blind eye. I'm sending my information to my council woman tomorrow. My roommate and her boss are going to deliver it because she comes into their all vegan restaurant. I will again let you know what happens. Please look around you. It's going on everywhere. LOVE YOU!
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