Save Critically Endangered Native Birds

  • van: Lynda Finn
  • ontvanger: Hon Nathan Guy.

We call on the government to urgently withdraw permission for a pipeline to be laid through a sanctuary that is home to New Zealand's rarest kiwi, the Haast Tokoeka living in Mount Aspiring National Park.
There are just over 400 Haast Tokoeka left in Aotearoa which have recently been introduced to the area to protect them.
The Department of Conservation says its status is "Nationally Critical" and their lifestyle and habitat will be severely compromised if the work on this pipeline is allowed to push through the delicate eco-system where they are hoping to breed.

We are calling on the NZ government to urgently withdraw permission for a pipeline to be laid through a sanctuary that is home to New Zealand's rarest kiwi, the Haast Tokoeka living in Mount Aspiring National Park.
There are just over 400 Haast Tokoeka left in Aotearoa-NZ  which have recently been introduced to the area to protect them.
The Department of Conservation says its status is "Nationally Critical" and their lifestyle and habitat will be severely compromised if the work on this pipeline is allowed to push through the delicate eco-system where they are hoping to breed.


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