Demand Speaker Johnson certify the 2024 election if Kamala Harris wins!

Right-wing extremist Mike Johnson sparked outrage and concern on Tuesday among lawmakers who are actually committed to maintaining our democracy when he promised that the House will follow standard procedure for certifying the 2024 presidential results — if the election is "free, fair, and safe."

Given that Donald Trump is already planning an extensive election-disputing operation, Democrats are rightfully worried that the Republican-controlled House might refuse to certify the election results on January 6, 2025, in an attempt to deny Kamala Harris the presidency should she win in November.

New Democrat Coalition Chair Annie Kuster said Johnson is "speaking in code" and "trying to undermine confidence in the election system." It is wildly inappropriate for Johnson to even insinuate that things might not follow protocol, especially since he was central to the MAGA cult leader's efforts to overturn the 2020 election, spearheading an amicus brief at the time that argued for invalidating Joe Biden's victories in four crucial swing states.

Demand Speaker Johnson certify the 2024 election if Kamala Harris wins!

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