Oregon – Move Forward with Animal Cruelty Registry Fully Enforced to Protect Animals

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Oregon State Legislators

There is minimal protection for animals across our nation but I have found that Oregon is making some attempts to stop animal abuse.  The concern is budget and efforts in the attempts to convict abusers with appropriate charges. Too many people get away with harming poor defenseless animals in any manner. Read http://www.oregonlive.com/pets/index.ssf/2010/02/pet_talk_oregons_animal-abuse.html & https://www.cga.ct.gov/2008/rpt/2008-R-0291.htm

It is commendable that some states like Oregon are making some efforts in protecting those animals without a voice statewide.  Our effort is to protect these poor creatures from ongoing and repeat abuse, cruelty and neglect by encouraging the state legislators to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry.  Such a proposed database would be similar in stature to that of other databases for child abusers and sex offenders with serious, lifetime implications.  Any person convicted of animal abuse, cruelty or abandonment of any sort needs to be listed on this registry.  To be accurate, the abuser’s information needs to be updated on a regular basis.  Furthermore, any person listed on this database should remain there for a lifetime, being banned from any future animal ownership, working with or caring for them as a means of protecting future lives of defenseless animals.

My effort is to encourage Oregon State Legislators to implement and strictly enforce such an animal cruelty registry database in an effort to protect these poor voiceless, defenseless beings.  You can support and promote these efforts by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts in favor of animals throughout Oregon.

Oregon State Legislators – It is highly commendable all that you are currently doing in the name and for the protection of defenseless animals.  I strongly urge you to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry database as a crucial tool in your efforts to protect animals statewide.  Such a proposed database would be similar in stature to that of other databases for child abusers and sex offenders with serious, lifetime implications.  Any person convicted of animal abuse, cruelty or abandonment of any sort needs to be listed on this registry.  To be accurate, the abuser’s information needs to be updated on a regular basis.  Furthermore, any person listed on this database should remain there for a lifetime, being banned from any future animal ownership, working with or caring for them as a means of protecting future lives of defenseless animals.

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