Lights for Paws!

  • van: Trevor Wolfe
  • ontvanger: BOPARC and the Morgantown Dog Owners Group (MDOG)

The days are becoming too short to take full advantage of Krepps dog park. Help your community become friendlier, safer, and more enjoyable by supporting the installation of lights at Krepps dog park.

As winter gets closer the days become shorter. But unlike bears, our furry friends don't hibernate in the winter and have even more energy since they're cooped up inside all day. For many Morgantown residents, the only chance to take our dogs out to play and socialize is after work. Which by mid November means after its already dark.
Installing lights at the Krepps dog park would benefit all of Morgantowns dog owners. Only a few street lights dot the road where people park their cars to go to the dog park, which is not safe. Not only would installing lights extend the use of the park and benefit more people, bit would increase the safety of the park and it's patrons.
Krepps park is not just a place where dogs can run free off the leash and play with others. It really is community-building. It's a place where Morgantown's dog lovers, veteran or first-time owners alike, can gather together to share their passion for dogs and give advice to others

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