Let The SPCA Fundraise At NB Liqour!

The SPCA is going down in funds, and they may need to go out of business, because they are not allowed to raise funds at NB Liquor. Nb Liquor used to be their best fundraiser, but now, they are not allowed to do it anymore, thanks to Nb Liquor’s new fund raising policy! They would bring in about $1000 a day, on average, and now, can you imagine how many funds they are losing? We need to take action!

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I believe is unfair and requires attention. Did you know, that the SPCA Saint John used to bring in approximatley $1000 a day from fundraising at NB liquor? So many people (and animals) are suffering from your new "policy" and it needs to stop! Please, I beg you, will you help al of the people and animals all over NB by letting them fundraise at your stores?

I hope you understand, Marissa

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