Eleven Newborn Puppies and More Dogs Were Rescued From an Animal Torturer. Demand Justice!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Washington County Prosecutors

In a heartbreaking story of abuse, 24 dogs, including 11 newborn puppies were rescued from the home of someone who was found "torturing" the dogs. This abuse cannot go unanswered. While the perpetrator is already being charged with animal abuse, they clearly need mental health counseling and must never be allowed to own animals again.

Sign the petition to demand this animal abuser receive a permanent ban on animal ownership and counseling! 

Tragically, two of the rescued dogs had to be euthanized immediately and other dead dogs were found on the property.

The details emerging from the police report are deeply disturbing. The person responsible for this horrifying cruelty kept these animals in unimaginable conditions, depriving them of water, proper food, and basic care, leading to severe malnourishment and the death of several dogs. The severity of neglect was compounded by physical abuse, where dogs were reportedly punched with brass knuckles and kicked.

Sign the petition to demand Washington County Prosecutors and local animal welfare agencies ensure that this individual is never allowed to own or be near animals again!

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