Demand justice for the two puppies killed and thrown away like trash in House Springs Mo USA

  • van: Cali Labeau
  • ontvanger: Jefferson County Animal Control Jefferson County Mo USA

Warning... Two people from House Springs got two puppies off of Craigslist from a breeder in Oklahoma only to slit their throats and throw them in a creek. One male and one female. Being threatened with "defamation" for doing the right thing, I cannot post the names but there are pictures. Luckily, they were caught disposing of the bodies and got arrested, the male now has a charge for improper disposal of a carcass and animal cruelty but did not appear for court and now has a warrant out but is avoiding the police. The male is known to be abusive to dogs and Jeff Co Animal Control has been to their residence for other animals they own not having access to food/water and no shelter. His girlfriend claims the puppies had heartworm but they never took them to a vet and from my knowledge passed on from a family member employed at a vet, the symptoms she claims they had do not match heartworm and the puppies were very young so its highly unlikely they had it to begin with. Either way, slitting an animal's throat and throwing it in a body of water IS NOT a legal means of euthanasia in Jefferson County! I know they have "rescued" several dogs from Craigslist.

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