End poverty and inequality in 2021

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, 2020 saw an alarming increase in poverty.
And also an alarming increase in inequality, as the poorest were hit hardest by not just the pandemic but also by austerity, and will continue to be hit hardest by the effects of the Tory Brexit deal.

So, in 2021, we, the undersigned, demand that this government implement the following measures:
- No to wage freezes, every worker must get a pay rise to at least keep up with inflation
- No backsliding on the minimum wage - ALL workers need at least £12/hour NOW,
regardless of age
- All who worked during the pandemic, putting their health and lives at risk, deserve a fair pay rise
- Every worker must have a safe working environment, both during and after the Covid plague
- No employer to be allowed to give lower paid workers a pay rise less than that of those
on higher pay, up to and including the company CEO
- Put an end to ALL discrimination by race, sex, disability, religion or sexuality -
including institutionalised discrimination
- All workers must have the right to organise in a trade union - repeal all anti-union laws.
- Stop and scrap Universal Credit, no more sanctions or exemptions, bring in a
Universal Basic Income for all
- Freeze rents, essential bills and debt repayments for all who can't work due to
Covid 19 restrictions
- Sick pay to be full wages for ALL workers, including those self-isolating due to Covid
- No cuts to, or charging for , essential services. from emptying bins to healthcare,
public services must remain free.
- No immigration controls, refugees and immigrant workers are welcome here
- Child benefit must rise to a level to give each child a decent living standard,
no more children in poverty
- Scrap university tuition fees, reinstate decent grants for all students
- Companies going out of business or sacking workers to be nationalised, to save jobs
- All unemployed workers to be given climate jobs, to deal with the climate emergency
- Pay for all this by taxing the rich, including a wealth tax on rich individuals
and a windfall tax on companies which profited from the pandemic

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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