No Permits to Kill Bald Eagles

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a division of the Interior Department, is considering loosening regulations on the killing of bald eagles, the national bird of the United States, to accommodate the development of wind energy sources.

Additionally, The National Rifle Association took legal action to block the EPA from protecting wildlife and people from toxic lead hunting ammunition. Millions of birds are needlessly poisoned every year by toxic lead ammo left in the wild, including bald eagles.

Killing the bald eagle, after so much effort to resue it from complete extinction, ought to remain a federal crime. A green light and a permit to resume killing is based on poor science since the full effects of climate change still remain unaddressed for the Bald Eagle.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a division of the Interior Department, is considering loosening regulations on the killing of bald eagles, the national bird of the United States, to accommodate the development of wind energy sources.

Additionally, The National Rifle Association took legal action to block the EPA from protecting wildlife and people from toxic lead hunting ammunition. Millions of birds are needlessly poisoned every year by toxic lead ammo left in the wild, including bald eagles.

Killing the bald eagle, after so much effort to resue it from complete extinction, ought to remain a federal crime. A green light and a permit to resume killing is based on poor science since the full effects of climate change still remain unaddressed for the Bald Eagle.

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