Why the hell is no one stopping Elon Musk? Actually, THESE people ARE, and we need to show our support

  • van: Left Action
  • ontvanger: Those leading the lawsuits against Musk

Right-wing billionaire Elon Musk is trying to dismantle our government from within, giving his team of tech bros access to Treasury payment systems and the private information and data of millions of Americans. 

No one elected Elon Musk, and yet he's been elevated to this position of power by Donald Trump to cut critical programs that Americans rely on, just to help himself and his fellow billionaires. He must be stopped. 

Thankfully, there is a lawsuit in a DC federal court against Musk and his "Department of Government Efficiency" (DOGE) which has temporarily halted millions of records from being turned over to them. We need to show our support for this lawsuit and the many others targeting Musk and DOGE to stop them from infiltrating and destroying our government. The courts may well be the last guardrail keeping Trump from destroying our democracy. 

Sign your name: Support the lawsuits against Elon Musk and his "Department of Government Efficiency" >>

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