Tell New Jersey to Keep Animal Traps Illegal!

Last summer, the New Jersey Fish and Game Council changed their regulations to allow enclosed foothold traps. These traps are designed to capture wildlife that have a certain degree of manual dexterity, such as racoons and opossums, while preventing the capture of household pets. Still, the traps are extremely painful. They slam shut with 60 pounds of force, and inflict intense physical and mental pain on trapped animals.

This trap is just a modified version of steel-jawed leghold traps, which were banned in 1984. The new traps may not catch pets, but they inflict an unacceptable amount of suffering on animals. Enclosed foothold traps may be used when hunting season begins on November 15.

Please sign the petition to urge the New Jersey Fish and Game Council to keep all leghold and foothold traps illegal!

Last summer, the New Jersey Fish and Game Council changed their regulations to allow enclosed foothold traps. These traps are designed to capture wildlife that have a certain degree of manual dexterity, such as racoons and opossums, while preventing the capture of household pets. Still, the traps are extremely painful. They slam shut with 60 pounds of force, and inflict intense physical and mental pain on trapped animals.

This trap is just a modified version of steel-jawed leghold traps, which were banned in 1984. The new traps may not catch pets, but they inflict an unacceptable amount of suffering on animals. Enclosed foothold traps may be used when hunting season begins on November 15.

We respectfully urge you to keep all leghold and foothold traps illegal, and to encourage humane wildlife capture methods instead. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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