Tell President Obama: Nominate Michelle Alexander As the Next Supreme Court Justice!

The death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the court's most conservative judge, means President Obama has an opportunity to nominate a new Justice.

An excellent, liberal-leaning Justice for the Supreme Court would be Michelle Alexander, an associate professor of law at Ohio State University, a civil rights advocate, and a writer best known for her book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.

Alexander's analysis of the criminal law components of the Constitution are very fair, thorough, and impressive. She also respects that economic liberty matters in a holistic analysis of rights. We could use another Supreme Court Justice with a strong background in criminal law.

Politicians, scholars, and activists across the political spectrum realize there is something wrong with America's criminal justice system.
Obama himself has said he hopes to reform our criminal justice system and make it "smarter, fairer, and more effective." Alexander's nomination would be a huge step towards fixing the many problems with a system that has preyed upon poor, minority, and simply unlucky Americans.

Alexander's nomination would foster bipartisan appeal as a step towards infusing a broken criminal justice system with better, much needed respect for equality and the rule of law.

Sign my petition to urge President Obama to nominate Michelle Alexander as the next Supreme Court Justice!
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