Put an END TO KILL SHELTERS! Let shelters be a SAFE HEAVEN for animals rather than place of DEATH!!
We have been seeing many cats and dogs that are being killed at shelters like PVAC Texas, Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center Tampa Florida for overcrowding issues.
Humane Euthanasia is ideal when an animal is having a tremendous amount of pain and suffering and you euthanize it to end it's suffering!
Shelters like PVAC Texas are killing 100 cats per day! As per statistics 19,742 cats were taken into the shelter from 2016 to early 2018 (Two and half years) out of which 16,100 were euthanized!
Same goes for Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center at Tampa Bay Florida, they killed many adoptable healthy cats for overcrowding!
We are supposed to be a guardian of these animals and as such, should be showing compassion towards them and preserving them- not destroying them!
Please spread awareness and sign this petition to put an end to "KILL" shelters! We need only "NO KILL" shelters where animals can be safe, happy and healthy!! Thank you!!
petitie tekenenpetitie tekenen