Elephants Are Not Food Tell the United Nations to Condemn the Killing and Eating of Elephants

  • van: Naomi Dreyer
  • ontvanger: United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Robert Mugabe, the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe chose to celebrate his 91st birthday by serving an elephant calf as dish in his celebratory feast!
According to Daniel Stiles, an animal conservationist who has investigated the poaching of elephants over the past 15 years, elephant is not a part of the culinary tradition in southern or eastern Africa. There is no cultural basis for the consumption of elephant meat by Prime Minister Mugabe and most of the world at large.
Today, there are about half as many wild elephants in the world than there were in 1980, down from about 1.2 million to around 600,000.
Ask United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to condemn the consumption of elephant meat as being incompatible with the U.N.'s mission to recognize the intrinsic value of wildlife.

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