Pittsburgh Penguins: Don't Celebrate Your Stanley Cup Victory at the White House!

  • van: Aaron V
  • ontvanger: 2017 Stanley Cup Champions, the Pittsburgh Penguins, Ronald Burkle and Mario Lemieux, owners

Congratulations on your amazing run and your second consecutive Stanley Cup victory! Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin have cemented their place in hockey history as two of the best of all time.

This amazing victory is the second time Pittsburgh was featured the international news this week - after Donald Trump cited Pittsburgh in his decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Hockey won't thrive in a world wracked by global warming...

For that reason, and many other horrible decisions and statements from this administration, we urge the Penguins to decline any invitation from the White House to celebrate this victory. News reports are indicating that the Golden State Warriors have unanimously decided to avoid Trump's White House as well.

It's important that those who oppose Trump's efforts to take our country and our international community backwards on climate change and other issues stand united. Please Penguins, send a clear message that you don't support his irresponsible "leadership."

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