Stop New Hampshire Bobcat Lottery

People should sign because New Hampshire is considering "harvesting" bobcats for the first time since the 1980's. With the crippled population just starting to rebound, New Hampshire Fish and Game apparently sees an opportunity to make some money. As a 20 year resident of New Hampshire, I have only seen one in my whole life and would love to see the population grow to a healthy level before any attempt by fish and game to profit once again at the expense of our wildlife.

Update #19 jaar geleden
In less than two weeks New Hampshire fish and game will make a decision on introducing a bobcat hunting season. The majority of public response has been outrage at the prospect of stressing a previously endangered species that is struggling to return to a healthy population, just to satisfy a small group of trophy hunters and a budget shortfall. Thank you to all of you who have singed....together we will make a difference in protecting these beautiful creatures!
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