Demand Harsher Penalties for Animal Cruelty!

Sadly too many people are getting away with murder. Every year we hear about animal cruelty cases and rarely are the penalties given to animal abusers harsh. Not only are these cases the tip of the iceberg, as there are a lot more animal abuse cases that go undisclosed to the public but, most of the punishments for such cruel acts are not harsh enough to deter individuals from committing further brutal acts towards animals. Furthermore, such punishments do not tend to deter anyone who wants to injure animals. Please help stop such terrible acts from being committed or at least help to ensure that the punishment is strong enough so as to decrease the number of animal abuse cases.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Thank you very much for signing! Unfortunately, we are far from the target number to get this petition presented. So I am kindly asking if you could circulate the petition and get more signatures. Once again, thank you for helping animals!
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