Puerto Rico Island Massacre - Dead Dog Beaches

  • van: Andrea Nevins
  • ontvanger: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Government Officials
The recent book, The Rescue at Dead Dog Beach by Stephen McGarva (recently featured in the 8/24/14 NY Post), reveals Puerto Rico's secret shame. 1000's of dogs abandoned on PR's beaches are left to starve or worse. In lieu of humane policies or services, local and Commonwealth officials look the other way while dogs are rounded up, shot or poisoned, hung up to die or hacked with machetes. Why not pass laws (and enforce them) to make abandoning dogs a crime, institute spay and neuter programs, and promote no-kill shelters and adoption programs. Tourists never see these dogs if they don't stray from major resort beaches but the dogs can be found in all of PR's other beaches. Besides Mr. McGarva's efforts, the volunteer organization, Save a Sato, is also trying to address this problem.
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