Help Golden Retrievers Escape Texas A&M University Cruel Laboratories!

At Texas A&M University, expermineters led by Joe Kornegay breed Golden Retrievers to develop muscular dystrophy (MD). This disease ravaged their bodies, causing on going muscle wasting and weakness. Unfortunately studies with these beautiful dogs haven't led to a cure or even a treatment to reverse the disease symptoms. The thin dogs are in small metal cages, sometimes alone. As they struggle to swallow thin gruel, (the only food they can eat with out choking). Long thick ropes of salvia hung from the mouths of the dogs whose jaw muscles have weakened. Even balancing is difficult, hard to raise their heads. Dogs with this condition are at risk of pneumonia because they can easily inhale liquid into their lungs. Dogs who didn't catch the disease but carry (MD) are deprived of loving homes, as they frantically go from on side of the cage to other in stress, not even having a blanket for warmth and comfort. To fathom at how much a dogs muscle have deteriorated. Joe has invented a cruel technique that could pass as medieval torture. He repeatedly stretches them with a motorized lever in order to cause the muscle to tear and shred. Joe has been at this for more than 35 years! Puppies in the laboratory BORN with MD are so weak at birth they need extra nutrition just to keep them alive. By 6 weeks the puppies legs have shifted forward making it hard to walk and some are unable to open their jaws to even eat. Please help save these beautiful Retrievers who are known to be man's best friend, from this torturous lifestyle they are being born in. Sign my petition to end Texas A&M University cruel lab experiments!

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