Please sign this petition to ask the City Health Commissioner to shut down the violent and unsanitary "Shun Da Live Poultry Market" slaughterhouse, located at 1164 S 9th St, Philadelphia.
This establishment:
1) poses a health and public safety hazard
2) is a detriment to the community where it is located
3) inflicts violence and cruelty against animals.
Shun Da Live Poultry has been in repeat violation of multiple city health ordinances, and continually receives unsatisfactory ratings upon inspection.
City Health Inspector Gillian Clarke stated about Shun Da, "This inspection has revealed that the establishment is not in satisfactory compliance and that current management practices have allowed unacceptable public health or food safety conditions." (view full reports)
Neighbors have reported distress at the smell, sounds, and sights which they and their children are exposed to passing by the slaughterhouse. The screams of animals being tortured and killed be heard down the block.
Violence and cruelty against animals that has been observed at Shun Da:
- Animals being packed tightly into cages, often with not enough room to stand
- No food sources observed
- Dirty or empty water dishes, which many animals in the backs of cages can not even reach
- Animals being thrown into cages
- Sick animals left to suffer and die with no care
- Animals being grabbed by their feet and help upside-down
- Animals forced to live in their own feces
- Animals getting body parts stuck in cages
- Over 400 animals who do not want to die being violently killed per day