artificial-Light pollution prevention act, regulation

in -process update 10.30.2018
OLS iense

draft 1
the proposal text petitions was presented by Nazar in mount Shasta CA 2016)
all artificial made light when projection meeting our natural Light body it will have an bouncing effect,
than when it will get to our eyes it will proceed into the brain and  which will program into.

Identified Health Risks:
LED lights can cause irreparable damage to the retinas of the human eye, UPI reports..
The light from LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, comes primarily from the short-wave, high-energy blue and violet end of the visible light spectrum...

*Eyes are not designed to look directly at light — they are designed to see with light
Eyes are not designed to Live of Artificial Light - they are design to observe natural Light.

We are the people protecting the Light Gateway into the One Planet

-to identify levels of damage projection
- decrease/dimmed direct artificial into the eyes in education facilities


this is petitions text was created on 2016

new updates to develop nesssary regulations is currently under draft development at
OLS iense (Light Sciense department)

"The most important for human evolvment is ability to receive and grow on Light (information), when it's penetrated it slowing down the overall process and mutating to different forms of existence."  

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