Stop LRB 3737/1 and Save Wisconsin's Wolves!

    Wisconsin legislators have proposed LRB 3737/1 to end the state's protection of wolves and force police to ignore the killing of wolves. This action, whether passed or not, signals to wolf haters across Wisconsin that they can poach wolves without penalty.

    The bill was inspired by ignorance and misunderstanding. Claims that wolves pose a threat to pets and livestock are hugely exaggerated.

    Wolves and other apex predators are vital components of a healthy ecosystem. They prevent herbivores from overbreeding and thus overgrazing. They weed out the sick and weak among deer and other prey animals, allowing strong and healthy individuals to continue their species.

    Fear and hatred of wolves comes from woefully outdated attitudes and sheer ignorance. We need to protect these magnificent animals, not expose them to violence born of humanity's lowest impulses.
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