Contact Governor Mary Fallin to not allow the killing of horses in Oklahoma

  • van: Liam Whitlock
  • ontvanger: Everyone who realizes this is backwards, cruel, unnecessary, and morally wrong

Oppose HR Bill 1999 making it legal to kill horses in Oklahoma. This has been banned for 50 years. Oklahoma is only 1 of 3 states to approve this, the others being Iowa and New Mexico. Oklahoma calls itself the horse capital of the world and says it is horse friendly.  This practice shows the complete opposite. 

Update #111 jaar geleden

And thank you to everyone who has signed this petition. Everyone who is on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media sites would you PLEASE share this. I am only on Linkedin and have shared it with other like minded animal protectors. Together we can win a victory for these innocent, beautiful animals. Thank you so much!
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