Help the Wasaga Beach Cat Rescue and Adoption Centre receive the funds they deserve

The Wasaga Beach Cat Rescue and Adoption Centre offer a critical service to the town of Wasaga Beach. They keep our feline stray/feral issues at bay while offering shelter for as many adoptable animals as they can. They have a spay/neutre catch/release program in effect for those cats who have become so feral they will no longer be good in a house hold environment. This is critical to keeping cat populations in our community to a lower number. This in essence is also helpful to native wildlife. The fewer cats there are, the more native small species animals there are to survive naturally.
Our town officials under the previous electorate set aside funds to help our not-for-profit shelter organization. The new electorate has decided not to offer those funds which previously promised. This is an unfair decision as our cat rescue/adoption program relies on the funds. To suddenly take them away leaves them in a vary precarious situation which will affect our community as a whole.
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