Insist Mission Viejo Animal Shelter Release Bear the Dog to his Family for Re-homing!

  • van: S. BB
  • ontvanger: Mission Viejo Animal Control Supervisor

On June 5, 2018 Animal Control officers appeared at Bear's family home to take him for a 10 day rabies observation due to a bite incident. Bear was placed in isolation in a concrete kennel: approached only by a uniformed officer for feeding and cage cleaning - no interaction with his family or other shelter staff allowed.
During this time his family was told that Bear is to be declared a vicious dog and they will need to obtain a $1,000,000 (yes, one million dollar) homeowner's insurance policy, as well as place six (6) foot high fences, automatic door closing mechanisms on out-going doors, etc. on their home if they want him back. Else he will be euthanized!

Bear's observation period was completed on June 15 and he exhibited no signs of rabies during that ordeal. He has not been declared a Vicious Dog per the processes listed in the city's own municipal codes (i.e., notification to the owners in writing; so that they can request a hearing and present evidence that he is a fine, safe family pet). This lack of proper procedure is keeping the family from taking their beloved pet home or having him re-homed.

The family is searching for a person or family with whom Bear can be safely re-homed and appreciated for the active Aussie Koolie cattle dog he is - NOT a vicious dog. All parties involved, Except the MV Animal Shelter, agree this is an acceptable solution.

Meanwhile, instead of following their own procedures, releasing the dog when his 10 days were up (he is now on day 19 of his impoundment and costing the family room and board for each day) staff is going on vacation and telling the family that a meeting can be held once they return to work!

Enough is enough! End the emotional havoc on Bear and his family and release him to his family or the party they have found to accept him - NO CONDITIONS APPLIED!

Update #16 jaar geleden
Hello Everyone!

I want to thank you for signing the petition on behalf of Bear! Your efforts are so appreciated! As of Wednesday he has been safely re-homed in Mexico with a gentleman who has space for him to run! YAY!!!
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