Demand an end to cruelty at Red Lion Abattoir in Nantwich. Cheshire

This abattoir is owned by Derek Lesley Turner and his brother Derek William Turner.Horses are kept in filth and in agony before being killed. The horses are forced with sticks into killing pens, sometimes 2 to a pen and then stunned. They fall to the floor and while trying to get up they are pushed down a slope by a door coming down on them into the slaughterhouse. They are strung up upside down and left to hang before their throats are cut. While they hang there, bleeding out they still struggle and it takes a while till they die. Sometimes the stun doesn't work and they have to be done again and again. If two horses are in the pen one might fall on top of the other. Sometimes they get stuck in the door that drops down on them after they are supposed to be stunned, while they are struggling to stay upright and alive. Sometimes they are forced down the slope, beneath the door bent double.Some of these horses are thoroughbred race horses. Evidence has been passed to the FSA but for some unknown reason the CPS has dropped charges. Anyone watching the video of this suffering will wonder why this is. To watch the video go to Hillside Animal Sanctuary.

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