Stop Killing our planet with GeoEngineering

GeoEngineering contamination is poisoning every person and life form on the planet and creating mechanisms that are very quickly taking the planet past critical point to sustain life.

It has been done secretly for several years now and the effects are really showing up now. GE openly admits that there actions have been totally without any attempt to assess the consequences of their actions.  They also openly admit that there will be casualties.  It is destroying ways of life, the waterways, the oceans, the forests, the snow, drinking water, soil, food crops and natural medicines, destroying businesses and preventing people from earning a living. It is causing genutoxicity (damaging cells and consequently creating the base on which all types of cruel diseases can build and flourish - such as Alzheimers and cancers). 

Everyone, all across the planet, has toxic strontium, barium and aluminum falling down us from chemtrails aerialy sprayed by GE.  They openly admit that this action is"pigbacking off the backs of our grandkids".  Listen to them for yourself 

There's too much money backing this to fight this in Court.  There's no time to wait and see what happens.  Extinction is real and increasing.  Global Warning is increasing.  Weather disasters are increasing.  Our forestry oxygen life souce is being killed.  Your health is getting worse.  - Spread the Word - Share this information with everyone.  We can't reverse its consequences.  Tell the President to put an immediate and total stop to this at once.

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