Recently in Calgary, Alberta, Canada two defenseless animals were horrifically killed at the hands of a disgusting human being. This person shockingly taped a cat and dog’s mouth shut and left the animals to die a painstakingly slow death of dehydration and starvation.
The citizens of Calgary and all over Canada are disgusted that such an incidence has taking place and currently a reward is being collected to help bring the individual responsible to justice.
By signing this petition you are speaking up for these two poor animals that lost their lives to the hands of a sick individual. British Columbia recently amended their animal cruelty penalties to a maximum of $75,000 dollar fine from $10,000 and a two-year maximum jail term from six months. Ask that Alberta do the same.
Update #310 jaar geleden
most recent update on fate of accused:
Update #210 jaar geleden
The latest news regarding criminal held in case:
Update #110 jaar geleden
I am pleased to pass on that a suspect has been obtained in this case of horrific animal cruelty. The accused: Nicolino Camardi has been charged with two counts of willfully causing unnecessary pain suffering or injury to animal. This charge holds a maximum of five years in jail or $10,000 fine. Lets hope he receives the later and keep sharing this petition to increase the pressure. Thank you all for your support.