Save This Poor Tiger From A Life Of Walking In Circles For The Rest Of Its Life!

How would you feel if you were trapped in a small space, with no hope of ever doing what makes you happy?

Add your name if you want to help free this poor tiger!

"Disturbing footage of a white tiger solemnly walking around in circles has shocked viewers across the world.

"The clip, taken at Beijing Zoo in China, has been seen more than 10 million times in just 48 hours.

"It shows the seemingly distressed tiger going round and round in the tiny outdoor exercise area as tourists watch from a walkway above.

"The majestic creature does not stop pacing and creates a large circular mark on the ground with its unchanged path," according to The Daily Star.

But here is the most ridiculous part...

The Zoo sent the tiger for counseling.

This animal does not a psychiatrist... it needs to be free!

One thing is clear: this helpless tiger should be released to a sanctuary, where it can live out the rest of its days in peace and happiness.

That's why we're asking the management of Beijing Zoo to do the right thing.

Can you imagine pacing around in circles for day, after day, after day, after day, just like that tiger?

Then add your name to help get it the freedom it deserves!

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