Support the "Moose Sex Project!"

  • van: Sophie Care
  • ontvanger: Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources

As the main corridor between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, the Chignecto Isthmus is a vital part of preservation for Canadian native species, particularly moose. The government must step up to protect it.

According to a recent article from the CBC, there are only about 1,0000 moose in mainland Nova Scotia total; the animal has been endangered in the province for more than a decade. By protecting the Chignecto Isthmus in what conservationists are calling "The Moose Sex Project," Canada can ensure that these moose have a chance to find mates in their respective neighbouring provinces.

Without legal protection, the Chignecto Isthmus faces threats such as clear-cutting and extensive road building. The donation of 316 hectares of private land to the Nature Conservancy of Canada is a huge step towards the conservation of this area and the preservation of moose and other wildlife, but we can't stop there.

Urge the Canadian government to protect the Chignecto Isthmus and the wildlife that depends on it.  

Dear Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources-

Private land owners, conservation groups, and Canadians from coast to coast have taken a strong interest in the Chignecto Isthmus linking New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.  

The importance of this region is so great and will have a direct effect on the preservation of wildlife and the conservation of species like Moose.  The dwindling population of Moose in Nova Scotia is perhaps the most likely to be affected.  This region has the potential to effect dramatic change.  But, without protection from your government, the Moose population is at risk, along with the habitat and water source for humans and wildlife alike.

We urge you to legally protect this region from development including logging and road creation.  Join Canadians and Conservation Organizations and legally protect this sensitive area.

Concerned Canadians 

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