Wisconsin Prisons Are Willfully Hiring Bad Doctors. Demand Justice!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Wisconsin Department of Corrections and the Wisconsin State Medical Board

A recent investigation into Wisconsin's prison system exposed a horrifying reality: nearly a third of the doctors hired in the past decade have had a record of negligence and unethical behavior. This alarming trend raises serious concerns about the level of medical care provided to inmates. There are already documented cases leading to severe, irreversible health outcomes.

Sign this petition to demand that the Wisconsin Department of Corrections and the Wisconsin State Medical Board review and ensure all medical practitioners in state prisons meet the highest standards of medical ethics and care!

This problem reflects a systemic issue of low hiring standards and insufficient oversight. These under qualified individuals, who would likely struggle to find employment in standard medical facilities due to their past, are instead entrusted with the health and lives of inmates. This not only endangers people in prisons, but also costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands in legal settlements due to medical negligence.

It is imperative that the Wisconsin Department of Corrections ensures its staff are capable and ethical, and that the Wisconsin State Medical Board rigorously enforces its standards without exceptions for those working in prisons. The lives of inmates, who are entitled to adequate and humane medical treatment, depend on it.

Sign the petition now to protect inmates from medical malpractice and uphold the standards of healthcare in Wisconsin's prisons!

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