Close Surabaya Zoo

President Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo
President of Indonesia Joko Widodo
Indonesian Consulate
Director General, Forest Protection & Nature Conservation Mr Ir. Darori
Canberra Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Consulate-General of the Republic of Indonesia
Ambassador to the United States H. E. Mr. Dino Djalal (Ambassador to the United States)

We, the undersigned, are aware of the awful conditions the poor animals at Surabaya Zoo continue endure in 2016. We implore you to take action and close the Zoo immediately. We now have nearly 750,000 signatures and we urge you to act immediately.

We call on the honourable President Joko Widodo, to mandate the following 5 actions immediately:

1) Close Surabaya zoo and dismiss the management. Hire reputable, qualified staff to engage in the immediate care of the animals.

2) Increase funding and security to ensure all animals receive the proper diet, and medical attention, necessary.

3) For any animal where rehabilitation is feasible to the point where the animal could survive in the wild, rehabilitation must take place under the direction of qualified experts, so that they can be released back into the wild.

4) Any animals with incurable, degenerative conditions, and that are in significant pain must be humanely euthanized based on the recommendation of veterinary experts.

5) Commission an enquiry with the view to identify the causes of the conditions and the zoo, and the prosecution of those responsible for the state of the animals.

The Zoo continues to bring shame to the good people of Indonesia and tarnishes the name of the country as a tourist destination. Please take action, the world is watching. Surabaya Zoo must close.

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