Toyota, stop the discrimination

Toyota released Entune in 2011 and since then the company is forcing Toyota owners to use or buy iPhones and Android phones discriminating those owners who prefer other phones using other Operating Systems such as Windows Phone and Blackberry OS. By doing that  Toyota is selling those customers a car where some of the most important features like Traffic, Weather and Bing are unusable.

To Toyota Customer Relationships Department:

Toyota released Entune in 2011 and since then your company is forcing Toyota owners to use or buy iPhones and Android phones discriminating those owners who prefer other phones using other Operating Systems such as Windows Phone and Blackberry OS.

We, current owners and potential buyers demand you to stop this discriminating action. By doing that you are selling us a car where some of the most important features like Traffic, Weather and Bing are unusable. We believe that if you sell a car you should offer all options to all users independently of the market size of the phone that is using the car owner. It’s your obligation to serve your customers not to impose them to buy specific phones so they can use the features included in cars that they have paid you for.

Please, release Entune for all phones!

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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