Reject the right-wing's "Project 2025" plan to end our democracy

  • van: Left Action
  • ontvanger: All those who care about democracy

Another Trump presidency would be a disaster for countless reasons, but one in particular isn't being talked about enough: Project 2025 – the right-wing plan to upend our democracy and usher in authoritarianism. 

The ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation and many other Trump MAGA allies are behind Project 2025, and the plan, if Trump is elected president, includes: 

  • Making the president all powerful by gutting checks and balances 
  • Replacing thousands of longstanding government employees who are experts in their fields with MAGA-approved yes men and rubber stamps for Trump
  • Bringing independent agencies like the Dept. of Justice under Trump's control, so he can get revenge on his political enemies
  • Downsizing or eliminating federal agencies like the Dept. of Education
  • Cutting essential programs like Social Security, ripping away reproductive freedoms, and so much more. 

Trump is trying to distance himself from this fascist playbook, claiming to know nothing about it – but that's a lie. We need to do everything we can to prevent Project 2025 from infiltrating our government and destroying our democracy. 

Add your name: Reject the right-wing's "Project 2025" plan to overhaul the federal government, and pledge to do everything you can to stop it from happening >>

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