Nicaragua: Stop Building the Oceanic Canal and Save the Forests and Animals of Nicaragua

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua

A new canal through Central America could have devastating consequences on the environment, according to a reports in the Global Construction Review and

Developed by Wang Jing, a Chinese industrialist with ties to China’s ruling party, the canal will be wider, deeper and three and a half times the length of the Panama Canal and cut through or alter nearly one million acres of rainforest and wetlands. 

The canal will also fall into the path of beautiful Lake Nicaragua, a 3,191-square-mile inland reservoir that provides drinking water to most of the country.

Opponents of the canal say ship traffic through the lake will pollute the water with industrial chemicals and potentially introduce invasive plants and animals.

Furthermore, it has now emerged that a panel of independent scientists have criticised the environmental impact study for the canal, saying there is insufficient data collection on water quality, geology, sediments, species, erosion, and fisheries.

The forests, animals and people of Nicaragua deserve to be protected. Will you join me in urging the government to stop the construction on the Oceanic Canal?

Please sign and share the petition.

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