Demand Fair Health Care for San Francisco Chronicle Workers

We, the employees of the San Francisco Chronicle, have had enough.

We love this newspaper, and we've worked hard since the layoffs of 2009 to help keep it afloat. We've done everything Hearst demanded: sacrificing pay raises, giving up seniority, losing vacation time and holidays, even working through what used to be our paid lunch hour.

For years, we've been working twice as hard with a smaller staff — doing everything needed to keep this paper afloat, relevant and great. 

And this is how the highly profitable Hearst Corporation pays us back.

Now, Hearst is insisting that we shoulder huge increases for an inferior health plan. Even offset by a meager proposed raise, this accounts to a pay cut of hundreds or thousands of dollars a years for most of us.

We love the Chronicle, and we love journalism, but we can't keep donating our own livelihoods to increase the profits of our corporate owners.

Sign our petition to help us tell Hearst that San Francisco deserves better.

Dear Hearst,

The residents of the San Francisco Bay Area support the Chronicle, and we in turn ask you to support the Chronicle staff with fair wages and affordable healthcare.

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