Tell Sport Chek No More Fur!

I'm appalled and disgusted that Sport Chek continues to sell fur despite previously agreeing to ban it for good. Most animals killed for their uniquely beautiful fur spend their entire lives confined to cramped, filthy wire cages. At only a few months of age, they're killed by the cheapest methods available, including neck breaking, bludgeoning, poisoning, and genital electrocution. Painful methods. Many animal's skin and fur are peeled over their heads while they're still conscious!!! There's nothing ethical about making animals suffer in tiny cages their entire lives or torturing them in steel clamped jaw traps before strangling, stomping, or bludgeoning them to death. Do your part to end the suffering of these intelligent, gentle beings. No one wants to see these beautiful creatures suffer. Have a heart and let them free and BAN selling death on your products!

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