Julius was a dog that was rescued is extremely poor health. He presented high fever, severe respiratory infections, total mange, anemia, diarrhea, severe malnutrition, muscular atrophy, etc.
He died 4 days after being rescued. He expelled plastic bags before his death as he was surviving on eating trash while his owners ate their warm meals in the comfort of their home. Julius lived a horrific life at the hands of cruel people who failed him miscerabke. He suffered greatly as he walked around burning in fever for months as people threw rocks at him disgusted by his appearance. He had lost his fur from a severe mange and was covered in bloody, painful sores and his skin was hard as leather. He succumbed after years of cruel neglect and complete starvation. Photos show the kind of horrific life he endured. We have contacted the Humane Society of the United States and their Animal Crimes Unit along with our Maverick County Sheriff Office seeking justice. Please sign this petition to bring his cruel owners to justice. They must be held accountable for the pain and suffering that Julius endured throughout his life. THIS IS ANIMAL CRUELTY!! UPDATE: 10/3/2017 AN ARREST HAS BEEN MADE AND HIS OWNER HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!! THANK YOU ALL that signed this petition! Your voice was heard loud and clear. Our sweet boy, Julius will finally be given the mercy he so desperately begged for in life. We will make sure he is never forgotten.
Update #17 jaar geleden
Julius has been given the mercy he so desperately begged for in life. THANK UOU ALL who signed this petition. Your voice was heard loud and clear!!
We will make sure Julius is never forgotten.
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