Demand the Release and Return of Hamid Nehal Ansari to his Family in India

Update, 9 July, 2016:

Pakistani authorities admit that Hamid Ansari IS in Pakistan and later convict him of 'espionage'. Hamid has been sentenced to three years imprisonment despite having been detained in custody without being charged or tried for over three and half years: ntion-of-missing-indian-man/ Current development: BBC report:

Update,  26 December, 2015:

A Pakistani journalist who was trying to help the family of Hamid was abducted on the 19th of August 2015. There have no sightings since Zeenat's disappearance since. The Pakistani Police maintain they are continuing to investigate her disappearance:

Hamid's parents' petition issued some three years ago in the Pershawar High Court seeking an Order for him to be produced in Court continues to be adjourned without an explanation.

Update, 10 September, 2014.

Police officials admit in Pershawar High Court that Hamid Nehal Ansari was taken away by personnel from the Pakistani intelligence agencies whilst in the custody of a Police station in Kohat, Pakistan in 2012.

Update, July 4, 2014:

The Pakistani Courts asks Ministries to explain disappearance of Hamid Nehal Ansari:


As of February 28, 2014, the Pakistani authorities have repeatedly failed to respond to formal requests by the Indian Government (or to the requests made by the supporters) as to the whereabouts of Hamid Nehal Ansari.

Is Hamid being detained at an internment centre?:

As of January 21, 2014, the link to this petition is blocked in Pakistan, BBC correspondent Aleem Maqbool says on Twitter:

We 'Justice Upheld', a British registered charity were contacted by Hamid Nehal Ansari's mother, Mrs Fauzia Ansari, in 2012 following Hamid's failure to return from his interview in Afghanisatan which it now transpires was rouse to rescue a young lady Hamid had met on Face Book who allegedly was going to be married of to 60 year old man. Hamid saw it as his duty to help her. Justice a Upheld has been helping, supporting and progressing Hamid's case since November 2012. 

Hamid Nehal Ansari is 28 years of age and an Engineer with an MBA. Hamid was employed as a teacher at Management College, Mumbai, and was Rotaract (Rotary) President in 2012.

Hamid wanted to change his career from being a teacher to work in the aviation industry. He applied for a post in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hamid was invited to attend an interview in Kabul on the 4th of November 2012. Hamid applied for a three-month tourist visa which was issued to him on the 19th October 2012.

During his visit to Kabul, Hamid was in regular contact with his parents in Mumbai until the 10th of November 2012. He was due to return to India on the 15th of November 2012 but failed to return. All contact from Hamid ceased since the 10th of November 2012 to date.

After having exhausted all sources to ascertain Hamid's whereabouts, Mrs Fauzia Ansari (Hamid's mother) accessed his Facebook account and discovered that Hamid was in regular contact via the internet with some friends in Pakistan. It became apparent from the exchange of conversations that Hamid had befriended and become close  to a Pakistani girl. Hamid is believed to have reached Kohat in Pakistan in an attempt to save this Facebook friend who reportedly was being forced to marry someone twice her age following a Jirga decision. She shared her story with Hamid who became determined to help and save her. It is clear from the communication between Hamid and the Pakistani girl that she was despairing and sought Hamid’s help.

Hamid was in touch with a number of Pakistani citizens; namely, Attar Rahman, Saba Khan, Abdulla Zaid, Humaria Hanif and Dr. Shazia Khan. The exchanges of conversations on Facebook indicate that Hamid was invited to Pakistan through Afghanistan and offered all necessary help so that he could cross over Pakistan via Afghanistan.

On 12th of November, 2012 Hamid Nehal Ansari crossed over from Afghanistan boarder from Jalalabad to Peshawar, Pakistan. This information is disclosed in the conversation on his Face Book page.

Information received from Pakistan suggests that Hamid is detained by authorities in Pakistan. However, no information is yet available in relation to the reasons for Hamid's alleged detention.

Since Hamid's failure to return, his parents, Mr Nehal Ansari and Mrs Fauzia Ansari have been doing everything possible to find out what happened to him. They have repeatedly contacted the Indian and the Pakistani authorities. Both authorities have failed to take action to find out about Hamid Nehal Ansari despite being provided with considerable information.

Please sign the petition demanding that both the Indian and Pakistani Prime Ministers intervene to locate Hamid. Thank you.

Some background to Hamid's case can be found at:


Update #58 jaar geleden
Update #5
9 July 2016 Pakistani authorities admit that Hamid Ansari IS in Pakistan and later convict him of 'espionage'. Hamid has been sentenced to three years imprisonment despite having been detained in custody without being charged or tried for over three and half years:
BBC report:
Update #49 jaar geleden
***Important Update***

Pakistani authorities confirm that Hamid Nehal Ansari IS detained in a Pakistani detention centre. We urge the Pakistani authorities to safely repatriate Hamid to his family in India:
Update #311 jaar geleden
The Pakistani authorities have repeatedly failed to respond to formal requests by the Indian Government (or to the requests made by the supporters) as to the whereabouts of Hamid Nehal Ansari.

Is Hamid being detained at an internment centre?:

Message from Mrs Fauzia Ansari, the mother of missing Hamid Nehal Ansari:
Update #211 jaar geleden
Thank you each and everyone of you for your support. It is appreciated and it will make a difference. It is reassuring for Hamid's parents Mr and Mrs Ansari to know that they have so much support from around the world.We are still waiting for the Governments of India and Pakistan to respond. The link to this petition is regularly e-mailed to both of the respective Governments. We have yet to receive the courtesy of an acknowledgment from either. We will continue to persevere.
Update #111 jaar geleden
Hamid's mother, Mrs Fauzia Ansari urges's the Indian Government to do much more to ascertain the whereabouts of Hamid:
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